Technology Blog #1:Developing a Connected Learning Model -Korey Allen


   Chapter 2 of The Connected Educator explains how schools can create a more interactive and connected learning environment. Instead of teaching in isolation, she suggests that educators, students, and the community work together. This approach uses technology and networking to make learning more engaging and relevant to real life.

    Chapter 2 also describes how connected learning focuses on students' interests and solves real-world problems. She shows how digital tools can help students collaborate and learn more actively rather than passively receiving information. This makes learning more personalized and effective, helping students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

    This chapter was very good. It makes me feel better about the future of education and more inspired because we can continuously improve practices through collaboration and shared resources as students and teachers. It emphasizes how collaboration and technology can enhance teaching and learning.

About Connected Learning - Connected Learning Alliance


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